Groups are set up by members either to organise events or to bring together people with a similar interest.
Click on the Group heading to find out more about each Group.
Some Group pages, will, in normal circumstances, also include a full list of activities through a link on the page.
If you are a member of the Dunston and District U3A group, or are an associate member from another group (membership details required!), please consider joining our Facebook Group where information regarding meetings and individual Group activities are regularly updated.
Additionally, some groups have their own WhatsApp pages too, providing more details and chats about group activities. Once you're a member you should be added to that group.
Groups listed alphabetically
Amblers Group
Status: Active
Monthly on Friday mornings 10:30 AM-2:30 PM
1st Friday of the month -
Book Club
Status: Active
Monthly on Monday afternoons 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
3rd Monday each month -
Cinema Group
Status: Active
Meets on various dates as advised by Group Leader -
Cook & Share Group
Status: Active
Monthly on Wednesday mornings 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Every 2nd Wednesday -
Hogarth Group
Status: Active
Monday evenings March to August, Tuesday lunch times September to February -
Meet and Eat Group
Status: Active
Monthly on Tuesday afternoons 12:30 PM
3rd Tuesday: Brunch Club -
Outings Group
Status: Active
Meets on various dates as advised by Group Leader -
Play Reading Group
Status: Active
Monthly on Thursday mornings 11:00 AM
Every 4th Thursday -
Quiz Group
Status: Active
Monthly on Monday afternoons 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
2nd Monday of the month